Sunday, July 18, 2010

Some Finishes

Hello everybody and Happy Sunday !!! Well, my excitement over the Spanish Soccer team winning the World Cup is winding down and I am back to being excited about my stitching. Below is my finished Red and Blue Houses by Industrioushead. Emily Evanston is a very talented designer and I love her work, please visit her blog, you'll like it. I finished this as an easel and it now stands nicely in my office/craft room. This is one of my favorite designs.

Hola a todas y feliz domingo !!! Bueno, pues ya me he calmado un poco después del triunfo de nuestra selección en el mundial y ahora ya vuelvo a concentrarme en mi punto de cruz. Abajo podéis ver fotos de Red and Blue Houses que he terminado. La diseñadora es Emily Evanston de Industrioushead. Emily es una diseñadora relativamente nueva y tiene mucho talento. Aseguraos de visitar su blog que os gustara.

This is the Needle Keeper from Maggi Co's SAL finally finished. I do like the end result and it has been fun stitching and finishing it. Well, finishing it was a bit of a challenge, but I did it !! Maggi Co's is a fun designer. Click here to see all the different finishes for this project.

Este es el Needle Keeper del Maggi Co's SAL ya terminado. Me gusta como ha quedado, y ha sido divertido bordarlo y coserlo. Bueno, coserlo me ha costado un poco, pero al menos lo he conseguido. Pincha aqui para ver los diferentes Needle Keepers de todas las que nos apuntamos.

This is it for today !! I hope you had a great weekend. I am turning 44 today (where did time go??? It seems like I was 18 yesterday !!!) and it has been a nice weekend. Yesterday, I had dinner with my sweet husband and today I had brunch with dear friends whom I had not see in a year. I enjoyed catching up, but why is it that we celebrate everything around food??? Food is comforting to me :-) Tomorrow I start being good again and eating healthy.... Now, my time to stitch starts.... Happy stitching to all of you !!

Pues esto es todo por hoy. Espero que hayais pasado un buen fin de semana. Yo cumplo 44 años hoy (como es posible si ayer mismo tenia 18??) y mi fin de semana ha sido muy bueno. Ayer salí a cenar con mi marido y hoy he desayunado con amigos a los que no veía hace un año. Me ha encantado hablar con ellos y saber como les va todo. Porque lo celebramos todo comiendo, me pregunto??? Creo que la comida es reconfortante para mi y es por eso :-) Mañana ya tengo que portarme bien otra vez y empezar a comer con careo. Bueno...... ahora empieza mi tiempo para bordar :-) Un abrazo a todas.


Margaret said...

Both your finishes are wonderful -- I especially love that Red and Blue Houses piece. So colorful! Happy birthday to you! My birthday is tomorrow! What a coincidence!!

Maritza said...

Natalia, te quedó precioso el boradado de punto de cruz, qué paciencia chica!!!! Bueno, felicitaciones por tu cumpleaños, si el tiempo corre que dá gusto!!! pero lo importante es tener la mente joven y ganas y energía para hacer lo que nos gusta. Muchos besotes y que te lo pases super bien

Lois said...

Two great finishes Natalia! Wonderful finishing on both of them. Happy Birthday for yesterday!! Sounds like you'd a lovely day.

Katrina said...

Glad you had a nice birthday!!!! I love your new blog look too :-). Gorgeous finishes, congrats.

May said...

Felicidades retrasadas!