That is exactly what I thought when I started stitching this beautiful sampler by The Victoria Sampler. It is a tea cozy called "Tea Party" and I love it; HOWEVER......
En que lio me he metido??? Eso es exactamente lo que pense cuando empece a bordar el sampler en la foto de abajo. Es un diseño de The Victoria Sampler que se llama Tea Party y me encanta; PERO..... know I've mentioned before that my husband and I are thinking very seriously about moving to my home country of Spain sometime next year. Well, having to make this decision, has caused me a great deal of stress and anxiety. There are a lot of things to consider in such a definitive move, but one of the things that really bothers me is leaving my stitching "world" which includes stitching friends, my Sampler Guild, stores, designers, retreats, classes....... you name it !!! I know you are thinking that, with Internet, there are no borders, really, and I agree, but there is nothing like hanging out with friends on a stitching weekend, or going to a LNS and touching the fabric and the threads, see the colors, look at new charts.... you know what I mean. (I really have a point to make, and all this rambling will make sense in a minute). Sooooo....., in all my anxiety and wanting to "stay connected" to my stitching world, I thought I would find a website that offers stitching classes on line that I could take all the way from Spain, and that's how I came to know The Victoria Sampler and its Cyberclasses. Now, I don't love all of the Victoria Sampler designs, but I just fell in love with this one, so, all excited and impressed with myself, I signed up for the class and decided to give it a try..... It was two days into stitching it that I started to ask myself if I had lost my mind !! I mean..... all those darn, fancy stitches !!!! You have your satin stitches, your chain stitches, your modified queen stitches, your foliage stitch (foliage stitch???)..... and to top it all....... the white daisies with their cute silk ribbon. Oh dear, I am going crazy !!! After this "fancy stitch adventure," I've decided I love mindless stitching, thank you very much !!!! I want to be able to sit in my favorite chair, watch a movie and stitch non-stop without having to study and analyze a chart !! Now, I'll finish this beautiful tea cozy, just because if I started it, I have to finish it, but I am not sure I'll get into all this specialty anymore. Then again, maybe this is like having a baby, after a while, you forget the pains of labor and do it all over again !!! LOL !! Below are some pictures of my progress. Let me know what you think :-)
Ya sabeis que he mencionado antes que mi marido y yo estamos pensando en irnos a vivir a España el año que viene. Esta decision me ha causado mucho estres e indecision. Hay muchas cosas importantes que considerar cuando se toma una decision tan definitiva, y una de las cosas que de verdad me preocupa es dejar mi "mundo de punto de cruz" el cual incluye mis amigas, my asociacion de samplers, tiendas, diseñadoras, classes, fines de semana haciendo punto de cruz... TODO !! Ya se que con Internet estos dias no hay fronteras, pero no hay nada como pasar un fin de semana con amigas haciendo punto de cruz, o ir a una tienda y tocar el lino y los hilos, y ver los colores... vosotras me entendeis, ¿verdad? Pues con toda esta preocupacion, decidi que una buena manera the seguir "conectada" a este mundo seria encontrar una pagina web que diera clases por internet, y asi es como llegue a conocer The Victoria Sampler y sus Cyberclases. No soy una fan de todos los diseños de The Victoria Sampler, y de hecho, hay muy pocos que me gusten, pero, tan pronto como vi este, me enamore, asi que decidida y armada de valor me apunte a la clase. Pues despues de dos dias de bordar y bordar, me empece a preguntar si habia perdido la cabeza. Madre mia !!! todos esos puntos de bordado especiales me estan volviendo loca !!!! Despues de intentar bordar este Sampler, he decidido que me gusta hacer punto de cruz sin tener que estudiar y analizar el chart. Sé que lo voy a terminar, pero creo que no voy a meterme en algo asi nunca mas. Pero quizas esto sea como tener un bebe.... cuando el tiempo pasa, una se olvida de los dolores del parto y volvemos a hacerlo todo otra vez !!! :-) Abajo podeis ver algunas fotos de mi progreso... Ya me decis si os gustan.
Slowly (painfully slowly) getting there...
Despacito (muy despacito) voy avanzando...

Below is the cross stitched part (that was a piece of cake !!) and some of my satin leaves. Please don't look very close at the chain stitch that makes the stem.
Abajo podeis ver la parte bordada con simple punto de cruz (esta es la parte facil !!)

Below are the white Daisies stitched with the silk ribbon. As you can see this is not my forte, and I pulled the ribbon too tight !! (What would my friend Nieves think, as good a job as she always does with her projects). But, being the perfectionist I am, I've already ordered some more ribbon and I'll be re-doing the darn little flowers..
Abajo podeis ver las margaritas que borde con lazo de seda. Ya veis que no hice un buen trabajo con esto y tire demasiado del lazo (Ay, que pensaria mi amiga Nieves con lo bien que ella lo hace todo). Pero como soy una perfeccionista, ya he comprado mas lazo para volver a bordar las dichosas margaritas. 
Don't look at the white daisy, but the satin leave and the thistle look pretty good, don't they??
No mireis a la margarita, pero la hoja con punto de satin me ha quedado bastante bien, ¿no os parece?

Below is my favorite flower so far !!! The Tulip Flower with the feather stitch and all...... I did great on this one, didn't I?
Esta es mi flor favorita... El Tulipan... esta si me salio bien, ¿verdad?

Below is the Pink and Blue flower... Nice, huh?
Abajo esta la flor Rosa y Azul (la diseñadora no se calentó mucho la cabeza con el nombre de la flor)

And this is it for the Tea Party Sampler. Below is my progress on one of the Little House Needleworks Christmas ornaments. I have lost count of them all, so I don't know which one this is. Anyway, I really love the colors of Weeks Dye Works linen, but I am finding that I don't like to stitch on it at all because my stitches look horrible, and I can't quite figure out why. I think it is too soft and my stitches look loose and uneven. I am quite puzzled by this, so if any of you know a trick or know what I am doing wrong, please let me know. This is stitched in straw and it is more golden than the picture shows. I am bummed out because I bought a big piece of 40ct in the same color that I was planning on using to stitch BBD mystery sampler, but now, I am not sure if I'll use this linen.
Abajo podeis ver el ornamento de Navidad de Little House Needlework. Lo he bordado en lino de Weeks Dye Works, el cual tiene colores preciosos, pero he decidido que no me gusta bordar en este lino porque los puntos de cruz no me quedan nada bien y todavia no he averiguado porque. Creo que el lino es muy flojucho y los puntos quedan desiguales. No sé....

Well, with all the anxiety and stress over all those specialty stitches, I figured I needed some distraction and some time to unwind, so last Saturday I travelled to Windsor, CO (a town about 1 1/2 hours away from where I live) to a great little store called The Little Wool Shoppe. What can I say, I had to get my stash fix, and they were having a big sale... Can't beat that !!!. Below is the fabric I bought...
Pues con todos los nervios del bordado, decidi que necesitaba un dia de relax y de compras, así que viaje a Windsor, Colorado. Windsor es una ciudad a una hora y media de donde you vivo y allí hay una tienda de telas y de lana que me encanta, así que el sábado pasado decidi acercarme por allí, ya que tenían unas rebajas estupendas. La tienda se llama The Little Wool Shoppe, y abajo podéis ver las telas que compre...
By the way Katrina, they still have that purse you want so badly :-) :-)

And below is all the wool I bought from the same store. They have the greatest selection of wool. I plan on using it to finish the Little House Needleworks ornaments, if I ever get around to finish them. I am all caught up on stitching them, but the finishing is a different story. I have all these great ideas and no time !!!
Abajo podeis ver la tela de lana que compre. Esta tela la voy a utilizar para terminar los ornamentos de Navidad de Little House Needleworks, si es que encuentro tiempo algun dia !!

And guys, this is it for today.... I'll keep you updated on my Tea Party sampler, and know that if I finish this sucker, I'll be showing it off big time !!! I hope you have a great weekend. I really appreciate you stopping by to visit and taking the time to leave me a comment. It means the world to me.... Until next time.... Stitch in peace.
Bueno, pues con esto termina mi perorata... Ya os diré cuando termino my Tea Party Sampler, y quiero que sepáis que cuando lo termine voy a presumir y a presumir, con lo que me esta costando. Espero que paséis un buen fin de semana. Muchas gracias por visitarme y por dejarme una nota... Os lo agradezco muchísimo. Un beso...