Wednesday, April 25, 2012

And Finally A Finish

Hello friends !!!

Has it ever happened to you that you stitch and stitch but don't really  have much to show for?  Well, that is my case.  I have been stitching, but I only have one finish to show you ! Please see the picture below and let me know if you like it.  It is My Handworke by Plum Street Samplers.  Such a pleasure to stitch...

"My Handworke" by Plum Street Samplers
Stitched on 40ct Newcastle in Terra Cotta
NPI silks called for

The thing that attracted me the most to this little sampler was the verse.  Isn't it just absolutely beautiful and meaningful.  I do hope God will allow us to stitch in heaven, don't you?

There are so many different motifs and below are my favorites.  The peacocks.....

The gentleman with the doggie.....

And my very favorite of all, the lyon and the lamb.....

I am so excited about the next project I am starting.  It is a design that I have always loved.  The picture on the chart doesn't do it justice at all I think, but when I saw the conversion at The Attic, I knew I had to stitch it...,  It is the Kingsford Sampler by Carriage House Samplings.  I am stitching it on 40ct Vintage Pecan Butter with The Attic conversion to Au Ver A Soie.  So excited about this one.  I'll show you a bit of progress as soon as I start.

I am so grateful that tax season is over !!!  It is such a busy time and it really doesn't leave me much time to work on my stitch wallets.  Now that all is quieter, I've been able to make some new stitch wallets.  You can see them below :-)  Let me know if you are interested in any of them...

.... And these are some of the fabric combinations that I have bought to make into wallets.  I have so many beautiful ones.  The outside fabrics are the ones on the top and the inside fabrics are the ones underneath.  I am looking forward to some free time to work on them!!  

Below are the latest fabrics from Blackbird Designs (I think they are the latest ones anyway, I've never seen them before).  They are just so beautiful.  I had to buy some extra fabric to make some wallets for me also !!!  

And last, but not least, I wanted to mention that I was, very graciously offered, the Liebster Blog Award by Betty from Samplers From Spring Creek as well as Jane from Stitching In My Garden.  I was so touched by their thoughtfulness.  The Liebster Blog Award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers and these are the rules (in case you care to know them :-)

    1. I must acknowledge the person(s) who gave me the award by posting a link to their blog (check !)
    2. I must post the award on my blog (check !)
    3. I must pass the award to other five bloggers, post links to their blogs and let them know they are the recipients by commenting on their blog (check !)
    4. Share five random facts about myself (oh boy !) (check !)

So the five bloggers I choose to pass the award to are:

Five random things about me are:

1.  If I were born again, I would be a violoncello player.  I absolutely love the sound of the cello.  
2.  I have fulfilled my dream of swimming with dolphins.
3.  I can't stand the smell of matches.
4.  I played basketball competitively for many years..
5.  I have hiked three mountains over 14,000 feet tall.

Well, this is one very long post, but it is mostly pictures.  Sorry if I bored you to death.  I hope to be back again soon.  Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.  I really appreciate them !!

