Hello blogger friends !!
I hope you are having a wonderful three day weekend !! I love three day weekends... I feel I have so much time to stitch, but of course time flies by anyway and I never accomplish as much as I would like.
Hola amigas !!!
Espero que hayais pasado un buen fin de semana. Aqui en EEUU, tenemos fiesta mañana, asi que es un fin de semana largo. Me encantan los fines de semana largos, siempre pienso que tengo tanto tiempo para hacer punto de cruz, pero el tiempo siempre pasa demasiado rapido y nunca hago todo lo que tenia planeado :-)
Yesterday I had my stitch group at my house for quite a few hours. I have come to love these women and I really enjoy our time together. There is always plenty of conversation and laughter. Last week was a hard one for me, so they decided to cheer me up with a most wonderful gift. You can see the pictures below. I got a Vera Bradley shopping bag....
Ayer tuve en mi casa el grupo de punto de cruz del que formo parte. Pasamos el dia juntas y lo pasamos muy bien. Somos unas seis mujeres de cuarenta a sesenta y pico años y la verdad es que las quiero a todas muchísimo. Siempre tenemos algo de que hablar y reirnos. La semana pasada fue un poco dura para mi, así que mis amigas decidieron animarme y para eso, me compraron un regalo precioso: Una bolsa de compra de Vera Bradley:

...and this little..... what should I call it? box??? The name is All Wrapped Up. It is so great and can be used for make up, stitching supplies, jewelry.... so many different things. It is really versatile and I love the fabric on it. I am so touched by my friend's generosity and thoughtfulness. I love you guys !!
.... y este otro "artefacto" que se puede utilizar como joyero, bolsa de maquillaje, para botones, agujas, etc. Es muy versátil y me encanta la tela.
I also go this beautiful kit of the Eliza Seaman Sampler as a gift from my sweet friend Sherry. This chart is out of print by now and it is from the Textile Collection of the Detroit Historical Museum. Eliza was the daughter of a physician and was inoculated with smallpox serum, the first vaccination in America !!! Isn't it interesting? I love it and will be stitching it soon. Thank you Sherry !!
Mi amiga Sherry me regalo este Sampler. Es un Sampler de la colección del Museo De Textiles de Detroit. Eliza Seaman era hija de un medico y fue vacunada contra la viruela. La primera vacuna en America fue la suya !!! Interesante, ¿verdad? Gracias Sherry !!

Below is a picture of Chessie and Me Birth Sampler that I stitched for two very special little girls in my life: Madelyn and Isabela. I sent it to have it framed by Jill Rensel (first time) and I just love what she did with it. If you have never had anything framed by Jill you have to. She is the nicest person and worked with me to get this framed very quickly so I could give it as a gift.
Esta es una foto del Birth Sampler the Chessie and Me que borde para dos niñas muy especiales en mi vida: Madelyn y Isabela. Lo mande a enmarcar a una tienda bastante famosa aqui en EEUU y me encanta el producto final.

Stitched on 40ct Sand Dune by Lakeside
with the over dyed floss it calls for
Do you remember how I showed you my progress on I Sigh Not For Beauty? It looked something like this:
Os acordais de que en mi ultimo post os enseñe lo avanzada que iba con mi I Sigh Not For Beauty? Este era el aspecto que tenia:

Well, now it looks something like this !!!!!! Yeah, The Frog Man came to visit and I had to undo pretty much all I had stitched. I made the tiniest mistake on the border and that totally ruined it. Oh how I hated having to do that.... Up until now, I'd only had to frog very little parts of my work, but now I certainly belong to the Frog Club. LOL !!!
Pues ahora esta asi !!!!!! Si, cometi un error en el borde justo al empezar y me toco desacerlo practicamente todo. Que cabreo !!! Un error tan pequeñito lo estropeo todo.

You must also remember how I told you that my Angel Band Sampler was the first sampler I had stitched, but actually that was not correct. Below is a picture of my very first sampler. It comes from some stitching magazine (I don't remember which one) and it is so badly stitched, really. I can see all the threads that I crossed in the back and it was stretched so crooked. Someday I will take it apart and stretch it myself. I do love the frame though. It has a special place in my heart too !!
También os acordareis de que os dije que mi Angel Band Sampler fue mi primer sampler, pero de hecho eso es incorrecto. Abajo podéis ver una foto de mi primer Sampler. Lo borde tan mal que podéis ver todos los hilos en la parte de atras. Que desastre.... ademas la tienda que lo enmarco, lo hizo todo torcido :-( Algún día lo tengo que deshacer y enmarcarlo todo de nuevo.

Here is another of my earlier stitched pieces. It is stitched in good old Aida fabric !!! I love the colors though.
Esta es otra de mis primeras piezas. Bordada en tela de Aida !!! Me encantan los colores.

I finished "Take Joy" from Shepherd's Bush and put it in this great little box. Isn't it cute?
Tambien termine "Take Joy" de Shepherd's Bush y lo he puesto en esta cajita. A que ha quedado bonito?

I am part of the Stacy Nash Club that Country Sampler offers. Stacy designs something exclusively for the Club and it is mailed to us every quarter. I love Stacy Nash's designs and this is the one for the first quarter. I only have it stitched, not antiqued or finished yet, so I'll show it again soon.
Soy miembro del Club de Stacy Nash que ofrece Country Sampler. Stacy diseña algo exclusivo para el club cada tres meses y la tienda nos lo manda todo por correo. Este es el primero de todos. Solo lo tengo bordado, me queda envejecerlo y coserlo como un cojin chiquito.

My stitch wallets have been selling nicely and I wanted to thank you all that bought them from me. I have gotten great feedback from all of you and I am so grateful and happy that you like them. I thank you, thank you, thank you for your business. It means the world to me. Keep checking, there are wallets being added every week !!
This is all for today !!! I am always so happy when you stop by. For once I am caught up with my blogger reader and I have enjoyed seeing all your work. There are some works of art out there.... Many of you are such talented stitchers and I forever admire what you do.
Esto es todo por hoy !!! Me encanta que os paseis por mi blog y os agradezco vuestros comentarios. Me encanta ver vuestro trabajo tambien. Hay verdaderas obras de arte por el mundo de los blogs....y muchas de vosotras tenéis verdadero talento y mi admiración.
Till next time
Hasta la próxima.