Sunday, January 30, 2011

A bit of this and a bit of that

Hello blogging friends !!

I hope you are having a restful and enjoyable Sunday. I am showing a couple of my finishes and some things I am in the middle of.

I don't know if you remember my post a few months ago where I showed you some progress I had made on my Angel Band Sampler. Well, I have finally finished and it is framed and hanging on my wall !!! I love it and I have to tell you that it is my very first sampler, so it will always have a place of honor among my samplers :-) I decided to frame it very simply because I didn't want anything taking away from it. Here is it:

Hola amigas !!!

Espero que estéis pasando un maravilloso Domingo, descansando y disfrutando de vuestro tiempo libre. Os voy a enseñar un par de cosas que he terminado y otras en la que estoy trabajando.

No se si os acordais que hace unos meses os mostré mi Angel Band Sampler a medias. Pues ya esta terminado, enmarcado y colgado en la pared. Me encanta !!! Este es mi primer Sampler y siempre va a tener un sitio de honor entre todos mis Samplers. Lo he enmarcado de forma muy sencilla porque no queria que el marco le quitara atención al bordado. Aqui esta:

Below you can see a detail of the frame.

Abajo podeis ver un detalle del marco.

This is the top section of the sampler up close.

Esta es la parte de arriba del Sampler.

This is the middle section of it up close. I realized, once I had it all framed that I had not stitched the hand from the angel on the left !!!! So that is my accidental way of making it a bit different and personal, because I was certainly not going to undo everything to fix it, so the poor angel is handless !!

Esta es la parte central. Si os fijais bien vereis que se me olvido bordar la mano del angel de la izquierda !!! Esta es mi manera accidental de hacer este Sampler distinto y personal, porque de ninguna manera lo voy a deshacer todo para corregirlo, asi que el pobre angel esta manco.

Below is the bottom part of the sampler and my favorite of all. It is stitched over three threads and I just love the richness of it with all the satin stitches. Love the acorns at the bottom too.

Esta es la parte de abajo y mi favorita. Se bordo sobre tres hilos y me encanta la riqueza del satinado. Las bellotas abajo del todo me encantan !!

I am also participating in a couple of SALs.... Below is the one from With My Needle. It is I Sigh Not For Beauty from C Street Samplers... So far it is an easy stitch and I am all caught up... I am not sure yet about it: the fabric, the colors.... I am going to have to see more of it to decide if I love it or just like it.

Estoy participando en un par de SALs... Abajo podeis ver el primero de With My Needle. Se llama I Sigh Not For Beauty y la diseñadora es de C Street Samplers. De momento ha sido facil de bordar. No estoy segura todavia de si me gusta, voy a tener que bordar un poquito mas para decidir si me encanta.

My other SAL is the Spanish Mystery Sampler from Shakespeare's Peddler that The Attic is doing. This is a huge baby and I am not caught up at all. But I started it a bit late in the month. I am very excited about it, and can't wait to have more stitched. I've got to tell you that the little flowers in the border are tedious, tedious, tedious.. See below.

Mi otro SAL es el Spanish Mystery Sampler de Shakespeare's Peddler. Este proyecto es enorme, pero precioso. Tengo que deciros que las flores del borde son muy pesadas de bordar.

Here are the little tedious flowers. Yikes !! I can't wait to get more color in the sampler... It looks kind of sad right now.

Aqui están las florecitas. También tengo que añadir un poco de color porque de momento tiene un aspecto bastante triste.

I had the chance to take a finishing class at my LNS last Saturday and here is the final product. I had this little guy stitched for years and I am glad I finally put it to good use. I finished it into a box with a bow and all. Take a look.

El sábado pasado tuve ocasión de ir a una clase para aprender a hacer una caja a la que se le añade un bordado de punto. Aquí lo podéis ver con el lazo y todo.

Here you can see the bow. I left it on it, but I am not sure about it. I am not much of a bow person. What do you think?

Aqui esta el lazo. Lo he dejado como esta, pero no estoy segura de si me gusta o no. Yo no soy muy de lazo. ¿Que os parece?

Below is an acorn I found at Anthropologie. Do you guys know this store? It is quite great and they have a mixture of clothing, kitchen ware, bedroom stuff.... Just different. Beautiful fabrics.. So I walked in one day and there was this little guy staring me in the face and I thought, oh I have to have it, but what can I do with it??

Abajo podeis ver una bellota (es una bellota, ¿verdad?) que encontré en una tienda aquí en Colorado. La tienda se llama Anthropologie y tiene cosas muy divertidas, desde ropa a utensilios de cocina, ropa de cama... Pues fui a la tienda hace unas semanas y esta bellota me llamaba y me llamaba, asi que la compre pensando que podría hacer con ella.

And this is what I did. I made it into the tiniest pin cushion. Isn't it the cutest thing? I love it !!

Y esto es lo que hice. Un pin cushion chiquito. ¿A que es adorable? Me encanta !!

And finally, if you read my last post, you know that I have been making some Stitch Wallets and that they are for sale. Go check them out here and let me know if you are interested in any of them. They are perfect to keep your projects or as gifts. I think the size is perfect, as it allows you to carry them by themselves or in your bags. I keep adding new ones very regularly and below are some of the new ones.

Y finalmente, si leísteis mi ultimo blog post, sabréis que he estado haciendo carteras de tela para guardar los proyectos de punto de cruz y que las estoy vendiendo. Las podéis ver aquí. Son perfectas para guardar proyectos o como regalos. El tamaño es perfecto porque permite llevarlas solas o meterlas en una bolsa. Son muy divertidas..

To all of you that have bought one from me, I do thank you kindly. I have gotten great feedback from all of you and really I appreciate that. I hope you will love them and enjoy them.

Well my friends... this is it for today. This was a long post for me !! Thanks so much for stopping by... I appreciate your time and wish you a wonderful rest of your Sunday.

Pues esto es todo queridas amigas. Muchas gracias por pasaros por aquí. Espero que paséis un Domingo maravilloso y una buena semana entrante.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Starting a new thing !!

Hello everybody !!

Can you believe that January is almost over? Where does time go?

I hope you all started the year very well with health and lots of stitching. I know many of you have joined this Crazy Challenge and I have enjoyed watching all your projects and your progress. I have kept busy and haven't really set any goals for myself. I figured I will just stitch what I feel like when I feel like. For somebody like me, that is kind of a liberating thought :-). I have a couple of finishes but I will show you those in my next post.

In this post I just wanted to let you know about my cute Stitch Wallets that I make myself. It has been so much fun to find fabrics that complement each other and finish them as little project bags. I just wanted to show them to you and tell you that they are all for sale. I use Moda fabric on most of them (sell price is $28.00 plus shipping), and I also have a few that have been finished with authentic Vera Bradley fabric and a complementary fabric (the price for these are $38.00 plus shipping). If you want me to make you one with your own fabric, please let me know (the price then will be $18.00). The dimensions are 13w x 10h approximately. On my sidebar there is also a button with a link that has all the information on prices and how to contact me if you are interested. You can also click here to find that information. I think they make beautiful gifts and they are perfect to keep your stitching projects. Below are some pictures of the ones I've made. Please let me know if you like them...

This stitch wallet has been made with Very Bradley fabric in Make Me Blush and a complementary Moda fabric.

Detail of the inside

This is what the back looks like:

All the ones below are made with different Moda fabrics. you can see the details of the front and the inside.

The stitch wallet below is stitch with BBD Moda fabric:

I think this one is so much fun !! The fabric I used is Moda Java... I love coffee !!

These are all for now. I hope you like them. I'll come back soon with a new post on my stitch finishes. Until then, you take good care. Thanks so much for stopping by....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year !!!

Hello friends,

Happy New Year !!!

2010 has been a good year for me and mine. God has blessed us with good health, love, work, lots of stitching and plenty more. We have had some serious challenges also and it seems like uncertainty is always a part of our journey, but we can do everything with God by our side and, at the end of the year, we are all together and well. What else can I ask for?

I would say that the hardest part of 2010 was the passing away of my favorite aunt Carmen on Christmas day. She was 96 years old. She was a stoic woman with great integrity, hard worker and a lover of her family. She gave me some of the happiest moments of my childhood and for that I will always be grateful. Those memories will always stay with me. It is truly a bittersweet feeling as I know she had no quality of life in her final years and now she is in God's arms and whole again, but at the same time, I will miss her terribly and I feel like a big part of my life has ended with her. It is comforting to me to know that I will see her again in due time.

Hola amigas,

Feliz Año Nuevo !!!

El año 2010 se ha portado bien conmigo y con los mios. Dios nos ha bendecido con salud, amor, trabajo, punto de cruz y mucho mas. Tambien hemos tenido unos cuantos retos y parece que la incertidumbre siempre forma parte de la jornada. Pero, se que podemos hacer todo con Dios que nos fortalece. Al final del año, estamos todos bien y con salud, ¿que mas se puede pedir?

Lo mas duro del año 2010 fue la muerte de mi tía Carmen el día de Navidad, que era su fiesta favorita. Mi tía tenia 96 años cuando murió. Siempre fue una mujer estoica y con gran integridad, trabajadora y dedicada a su familia. Ella me dio muchos de los mejores momentos de mi infancia y por eso siempre le estaré agradecida. Siempre llevare esos recuerdos conmigo. Su muerte trae un sentimiento dulce y amargo a la vez. Dulce porque a su edad, ella ya no tenia calidad de vida y ahora esta en los brazos de Dios sana y contenta; amargo porque la vamos a echar mucho de menos y siento que una gran etapa de mi vida termina con ella. Pero me conforta saber que la volveré a ver en un tiempo.

Aunt Carmen (Tia Carmen)
June 1914 - Dec 2010

As for my stitching year, it was not as productive as I would have liked, but I really enjoyed every single project I worked on. For 2011 I plan on not buying so many new charts and stitching from my stash instead. (I can already hear my friend Katrina laughing out loud at me). I will try anyway... !!!

I have so enjoyed blogging and getting to know you all. I have loved watching all your projects and reading about your work and your life. I so look forward to sharing another year of fun with you. For those that are participating in the Crazy Challange, I do have to take my hat off to you. I chickened out and won't be doing it.... I figured it would be too confusing and stressful for me, but I will definitely enjoy watching your progress from the side line. Below is a picture of my finished projects in 2010. I think if you click on it, it will open up bigger.

En el año 2010, no he echo tanto punto de cruz como me hubiera gustado, pero he disfrutado de cada uno de mis proyectos. En el 2011, quiero concentrarme en bordar los proyectos que ya tengo en casa en vez de comprar cosas nuevas (ya oigo a mi amiga Katrina riendose de mi !!), o por lo menos lo voy a intentar....

Este mundo de Blogger me encanta y conoceros a todas y ver vuestros proyectos ha sido muy divertido. Espero compartir otro año con vosotras y conoceros un poquito mejor. Para aquellas que van a participar en el Crazy Challenge, tengo que felicitaros por vuestra valentia. Yo, que soy una cobarde, no voy a participar, pero me va a encantar seguir vuestro progreso durante el año. Abajo podeis ver una foto de todos los proyectos que he terminado en el 2010. Creo que podeis pinchar la foto para hacerla mas grande.

I hope 2011 brings you all health, love, peace and lots of stitching...

Espero que el año 2010, os traiga mucha salud, amor, paz y mucho punto de cruz... Un abrazo.